If you're wondering why so many of these books are long series, it's because that's what I like best. When I find an author I like, I want to read everything he writes. One book is never enough. Occasionally, a series can turn disappointing. The first few books may be great, and the end of the series may sound forced, as if the writer were doing it to pay the rent rather than from the love of the story. Orson Scott Card did that with Ender's Game, for example. The books below are ones I enjoyed from beginning to end -- worth the time investment to read the whole set. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Robert Jordan
Eye of the World (Vol. 1)
The Great Hunt (Vol. 2) (paperback) (hardcover) The Dragon Reborn (Vol. 3) (paperback) (hardcover) Shadow Rising (Vol. 4) (paperback) (hardcover) The Fires of Heaven (Vol. 5) (paperback) (hardcover) Lord of Chaos (Vol. 6) (paperback) (hardcover) A Crown of Swords (Vol. 7) (paperback) (hardcover) The Path of Daggers (Vol. 8) (hardcover)
Terry Goodkind
Wizard's First Rule (Vol. 1)
Stone of Tears (Vol. 2) (paperback) (hardcover) Blood of the Fold (Vol. 3) (paperback) (hardcover) Temple of the Winds (Vol. 4) (paperback) (hardcover)
Sean Russell
World Without End (Vol. 1)
Stephen Donaldson
Lord Foul's Bane (Vol. 1) (cheap paperback) (expensive paperback) The Illearth War (Vol. 2) (cheap paperback) (expensive paperback) The Power That Preserves (Vol. 3) (cheap paperback) (expensive paperback) The Wounded Land (Vol. 4) (cheap paperback) (expensive paperback) The One Tree (Vol. 5) (cheap paperback) (expensive paperback) White Gold Wielder (Vol. 6) (cheap paperback) (expensive paperback)
Terry Brooks
Sword of Shannara (Vol. 1)
Elfstones of Shannara (Vol. 2) (paperback) The Wishsong of Shannara (Vol. 3) (paperback) The Scions of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara, Book 1) (paperback) The Druid of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara, Book 2) (paperback) The Elf Queen of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara, Book 3) (paperback) The Talismans of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara, Book 4) (paperback)
Terry Brooks
Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! (Vol. 1)
The Black Unicorn (Vol. 2) (paperback) Wizard at Large (Vol. 3) (paperback) The Tangle Box (Vol. 4) (paperback)
Dan Simmons
Hyperion (Vol. 1)
C. J. Cherryh
Downbelow Station
Cyteen (paperback) Merchanter's Luck (paperback) Hellburner (paperback) Tripoint (paperback) Forty Thousand in Gehenna (paperback) Finity's End (paperback) If you are hooked on Cherryh and can't get enough, try the Chanur series and the Faded Sun series. All great.
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copyright 1998 Diana Gruber