Fastgraph 3D Tutorial

Chapter 4: Applying Textures to Surfaces

A Texture Example

As promised, here is another example. This one is more complicated than the one presented in Chapter 2, so I am not going to post all the source code here. You can download the source code here. This is a C++ program. See figure 4.1 for a screen shot.

Figure 4.1 Textures.

I tried to keep this example simple while still putting in enough features to make it interesting. The program presents a room, consisting of four walls, each of which has a texture assigned to it. Within the room are three cubes. Each cube rotates around its own x, y, or z axis. You can move around the room to look at the walls and cubes from different angles.

This program presents the bare minimum of the elements that make up a FPS (first person shooter). It has walls, it has objects, and it has interactivity. It is not a game, but if you are interested in writing an FPS game feel free to study this demo and expand upon the code.

There are two data files associated with this program. One of them is game.ini which is an ini file. It is a simple ascii text file that you can edit in any text editor. It looks like this:






As you can see, the ini file is just a list of player coordinates and wall coordinates. I chose this format for simplicity. You will probably want to use something more elaborate for your game, and you should use a binary file so your users can't edit it.

The other file is called game.tmf. This is the file containing the textures. It is a binary file, but it also has a very simple format. It just contains the width, height, and reference number of each texture, followed by the texture data, which is a bitmap. See the source code for help reading this file, or devise your own file format.

Both the game.ini and the game.tmf files were created using Fred, which is a primitive level editor I wrote. You are welcome to use and modify Fred if you like. Most game developers prefer to write their own customized world builder tools. Fred is provided as an example of how to use Fastgraph to write such a tool. Fred is not really a product itself. That is, we don't sell it or support it, and I will only work on it if I feel like it. It is an interesting program, though.

The texture demo does not have floors or ceilings. There is no trick to floors or ceilings, you would define them the same way you define walls. Some people like to have tiled floors and ceilings. That is your preference. As always, the Fastgraph philosophy is to leave decisions like that to the game developer, who we are convinced are much better at designing such things than we are. Fastgraph's functions are low-level, general purpose, and flexible, and we will get back to describing them now.

Defining Texture Maps

There are four Fastgraph functions you need to know about in order to define texture maps.

This function initializes the texture map table. The table consists of an array of structures, each with a pointer to a bitmap, the width and height. The number of textures determines the size of the table. Note: the table does not allocate memory for the bitmap. You control that yourself.
int handle = fg_tmdefine(void *texture, int width, int height)
This is the function that adds a texture to the texture map table, and returns the index into that table. We call the index "handle". The first texture will have a handle of 0, the next one will have a handle of 1, etc. Note the bitmap itself is defined as a void pointer. That's because the number of bytes per pixel varies according to the color depth. This array may be a byte, word, or integer depending on whether your program is running in 256 colors, high color or true color. More on that below.
This function determines which texture map you are currently using. Each face may have a different texture, or many faces may use the same texture. Since all this function does is set an integer, it is very fast, so don't hesitate to call it many times in your program.
Call this at the end of your program to delete the texture map table. This function does not free the memory you allocated for the texture bitmaps. Be sure to do that at the end of your program too.
There are other ways to define textures, and in fact Fastgraph has other texture functions. I don't recommend you use them. I recommend you use the four functions above. We designed them this way because they are compatible with Direct3D. Whether or not you decide to use D3D in your program, you might as well get in the habit of using the compatible texture map format. It will make your life easier if you decide to convert your program to a D3D program later.

Applying the texture to the surface is simple. You use functions analogous to those you used to draw solid color polygons. First, though, you need to set the rendering mode. Call the fg_3Drenderstate() function like this:

That will tell Fastgraph to use linear texture maps on all the polygons it draws with fg_3Dtexturemap() or fg_3Dtexturemapobject(). Since linear texture maps are sort of ugly, try using perspective texture maps like this:
Perspective texture maps look much nicer than linear texture maps. If you want your polygons to be z clipped and z buffered, and use perspective texture maps do this:
This is probably the best option. It is the one I use most often.

Textures Don't Have To Be Square

We try to keep this stuff as simple as possible, but sometimes reality dictates another level of complexity. The reality of texture maps is, they sometimes have to be z clipped. And sometimes you want to break up texture maps into parts, for example if you have narrow adjacent walls and you want your texture map to span both of them. Therefore, you need to pass an array to fg_3Dtexturemap() and fg_3Dtexturemapobject() that contains the vertices of the texture map in clockwise order. For example, if you are using a square 64 x 64 bitmap as in Figure 4.2, the vertices array may look like this:

   static int tmVertices[4][2]= {{0,63},{0,0},{63,0},{63,63}};

Figure 4.2 Texture Map Vertices.

Figure 4.3 Diamond Shaped Texture Map

You can also use a diamond shaped texture map, as in Figure 4.3, in which case the vertices array would look like this:
   static int tmVertices[4][2]= {{0,31},{31,0},{63,31},{31,63}};
Texture maps are not limited to four vertices. You can adapt a texture map to fit your polygon, or whatever creative special effect you can think of. (This is something of an unexplored area, experiment with it.) For compatibility with D3D, the bitmap itself should be rectangular, and each side should be a size which is a power of two. So, for example, you could have a 64 x 32 bitmap, or an 8 x 128 bitmap. Within that bitmap, you can assign the vertices to more precisely define the shape of the texture.

Applying The Texture

This is easy. To apply a texture to a polygon defined in world space, call this function:

Where face[i] contains the 3D vertices of the polygon, tmVertices contains the 2D vertices of the texture map described above, and nVerts is the number of vertices in the polygon. The analogous object space function is this:
This function will apply the texture to a face which has been translated and rotated, as described in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

More About Color Depth

As I mentioned before, texture map data is a simple bitmap. Bitmaps, as you know, are defined differently in different color depths. In a 256 color VGA mode, bitmaps are defined to be one byte per pixel. In a 16-bit video mode (high color), bitmaps are 2 bytes per pixel. In a 24-bit or 32-bit video mode (true color), bitmaps are 3 or 4 bytes per pixel. How does Fastgraph know the color depth of the texture bitmap? It relies upon the color depth of the virtual buffers. When you call fg_vbdepth() to establish the color depth of the virtual buffers, you are also establishing the color depth of the textures.

The color depth of the virtual buffers and the texture maps does not have to match the color depth of the display mode. You can define high-color virtual buffers even when your program is running in 256 colors. It will work fine. Fastgraph will do on-the-fly color reduction. This will slow down your program, and you may lose some visual appeal, but the program will work. Similarly, you can define 256 color virtual buffers in a program that is running in high color or true color. For fastest results, make the color depth of the virtual buffers match the color depth of the display. You can auto-detect this with fg_colors(). See the Fastgraph manual for more details.

To capture a bitmap from a virtual buffer to use as a texture, you can use fg_getimage() in a 256 color mode, or fg_getdcb() to get a direct color bitmap in a high color or true color mode.

Putting It All Together

Here is how I used the functions above to create the program shown in Figure 4.1. First, I declare my texture class like this:

class _Texture
	class _Texture *next;
	class _Texture *prev;

	byte *TextureMap;       // the bitmap in a Fastgraph dcb format
	int ImageWidth;
	int ImageHeight;
	int ReferenceNumber;    // useful for loading and saving textures
	int Handle;             // used by fg_tmselect();

	_Texture(byte *Map, int width, int height);
I store my textures in a linked list. If you have a fixed number of textures, an array will work just as well.

The memory for the texture map is allocated in the constructor and freed in the destructor. That's important! Don't forget to allocate and free your texture map memory. (See the source code for an example of how to use GlobalAlloc() and GlobalLock() to allocate well-behaved blocks of memory).

The cubes in my program are made up of faces. I declare my face class like this:

class _Face
	_Face(int Verts, double *data);
	int nVerts;
	double *vertData;
	class _Texture *Texture;
Each face object keeps track of its vertex data, the number of vertices, and a pointer to the texture. A group of faces put together, for example 6 faces for a cube, is an "item". (It is could also be an "object", but with object oriented programming I find that confusing.) I have a linked list of items, and I declare the item class like this:
class _Item

	int nFaces;
	_Item(double x, double y, double z, int xF, int yF, int zF);
	class _Face **Face; // pointers to faces (surfaces);
	double CenterX,CenterY,CenterZ;
	int xAngle,yAngle,zAngle;
	int xFactor,yFactor,zFactor;

	class _Item *prev; // for linked list
	class _Item *next;

This object keeps track of some other interesting information as well, including the center of gravity, the angle of rotation, and the "factors" or the amount each angle will change every frame. The x, y and z factors are what keep the cubes rotating.

Notice the Face pointer is a pointer to an array of faces, not just one face. Hence the double pointer.

So, the Item points to the Face and the Face points to the Texture. After everything has been read from the file and initialized, I display a textured face of a cube like this:

That's it! Easy, isn't it? I left out a few steps, but they are easy too. Once each frame I moved and rotated each cube with a call to fg_3Dsetobject(). I cleared the z buffer with a call to fg_zbframe(). And once, at the beginning of the program, I set the render state with fg_3Drenderstate(). I suggest you look at the complete source code if you have any questions about that.


Textures make your 3D objects look more interesting. Textures need to be defined, selected, and applied. Textures can be various shapes and sizes, but the color depth of the texture must match the color depth of the virtual buffers. You can read texture data from a file, or you can grab it as a bitmap from a virtual buffer. Texture information is stored in a texture map table in order to be compatible with Direct 3D.

If you have gotten this far in the tutorial, congratulations! You now understand all the basic elements of a 3D program, and you are well on the way to writing 3D games of your own. If you haven't started writing code yet, this would be a good time to dive in and do some compiles.

In the next chapter we will talk about how to take advantage of the features of Direct3D.


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This page written by Diana Gruber.