fgi_flicskip() (Fastgraph/Image)
Prototype int fgi_flicskip (void *context, int frames, int handle); Function fgi_flicskip (context() As Any, ByVal frames As Long, ByVal handle As Long) As Long function fgi_flicskip (var context; frames, handle : integer) : integer; Description The fgi_flicskip() function advances one or more frames in a flic file that was previously opened with fgi_flicopen(). Parameters context is the name of a 20-byte buffer containing the flic file context descriptor. frames is the number of frames to skip in the flic file, starting from the current file position. If frames is negative, the flic file position will be set to the first frame. handle is the file handle for the FGI library containing filename. Return value The number of frames skipped. This value may be less than frames if the end-of-file is reached before skipping the requested number of frames. If frames is negative, the return value will be zero. Restrictions none See also Examples
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