KBdemo: Visual Basic Version
' *
' KBdemo.frm *
' *
' This program shows how to pan the contents of a virtual buffer through *
' a smaller window using the low-level keyboard handler. *
' *
Const vbWidth = 640
Const vbHeight = 480
Dim hPal As Long
Dim hVB As Long
Dim cxClient As Long, cyClient As Long
Dim AppIsRunning As Boolean
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
Dim xLimit As Long, yLimit As Long
Dim CanGoLeft As Boolean, CanGoRight As Boolean
Dim CanGoUp As Boolean, CanGoDown As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Call fg_realize(hPal)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
ScaleMode = 3
Call fg_setdc(hDC)
hPal = fg_defpal()
Call fg_realize(hPal)
Call fg_vbinit
hVB = fg_vballoc(vbWidth, vbHeight)
Call fg_vbopen(hVB)
Call fg_vbcolors
Call fg_showbmp(App.Path & "\PORCH.BMP", 0)
X = 0
Y = 0
CanGoRight = True
CanGoDown = True
CanGoLeft = False
CanGoUp = False
Visible = True
AppIsRunning = True
While AppIsRunning
Call CheckForPanning
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()
Call fg_vbpaste(X, X + (vbWidth - 1), Y, Y + (vbHeight - 1), 0, vbHeight - 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
cxClient = ScaleWidth
cyClient = ScaleHeight
If cxClient < vbWidth Then
xLimit = vbWidth - cxClient
If X > 0 Then CanGoLeft = True
If X < xLimit Then CanGoRight = True
xLimit = 0
CanGoLeft = False
CanGoRight = False
End If
If cyClient < vbHeight Then
yLimit = vbHeight - cyClient
If Y > 0 Then CanGoUp = True
If Y < yLimit Then CanGoDown = True
yLimit = 0
CanGoUp = False
CanGoDown = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
AppIsRunning = False
Call fg_vbclose
Call fg_vbfree(hVB)
Call fg_vbfin
End Sub
' *
' CheckForPanning() *
' *
' The CheckForPanning subroutine checks if any of the four arrow keys are *
' pressed, and if so, pans in that direction if possible. It is called from *
' the message loop in Form_Load() when no messages are waiting. *
' *
Private Sub CheckForPanning()
Const kbEscape = 1
Const kbLeft = 75
Const kbRight = 77
Const kbUp = 72
Const kbDown = 80
If fg_kbtest(kbLeft) And CanGoLeft Then
If X = xLimit Then CanGoRight = True
X = X - 1
Call fg_vbpaste(X, X + (vbWidth - 1), Y, Y + (vbHeight - 1), 0, vbHeight - 1)
If X = 0 Then CanGoLeft = False
ElseIf fg_kbtest(kbRight) And CanGoRight Then
If X = 0 Then CanGoLeft = True
X = X + 1
Call fg_vbpaste(X, X + (vbWidth - 1), Y, Y + (vbHeight - 1), 0, vbHeight - 1)
If X = xLimit Then CanGoRight = False
ElseIf fg_kbtest(kbUp) And CanGoUp Then
If Y = yLimit Then CanGoDown = True
Y = Y - 1
Call fg_vbpaste(X, X + (vbWidth - 1), Y, Y + (vbHeight - 1), 0, vbHeight - 1)
If Y = 0 Then CanGoUp = False
ElseIf fg_kbtest(kbDown) And CanGoDown Then
If Y = 0 Then CanGoUp = True
Y = Y + 1
Call fg_vbpaste(X, X + (vbWidth - 1), Y, Y + (vbHeight - 1), 0, vbHeight - 1)
If Y = yLimit Then CanGoDown = False
ElseIf fg_kbtest(kbEscape) Then
X = 0
Y = 0
Call fg_vbpaste(0, vbWidth - 1, 0, vbHeight - 1, 0, vbHeight - 1)
If xLimit > 0 Then CanGoRight = True
If yLimit > 0 Then CanGoDown = True
CanGoLeft = False
CanGoUp = False
End If
End Sub