fgi_readnext() (Fastgraph/Image)

Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


int fgi_readnext (void *buffer, unsigned int size, int handle);

Function fgi_readnext (buffer() As Any, ByVal size As Long, ByVal handle As Long) As Long

function fgi_readnext (var buffer; size, handle : integer) : integer;


The fgi_readnext() function reads the contents of the "next" file stored in an FGI library into an array or allocated memory block. The "next" file is only meaningful immediately after calling fgi_filesize() or fgi_seek().


buffer is the name of the array or memory block that will receive the file contents.

size is the number of bytes to read from the FGI file.

handle is the file handle for the FGI library.

Return value

0 = Success

-1 = Error reading the FGI library

-2 = The number of bytes read was less than size


You can only use fgi_readnext() immediately after calling fgi_filesize() or fgi_seek() for the same FGI library.

See also

fgi_filesize(), fgi_read(), fgi_seek()



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