FGF2FGX UtilityThe FGF2FGX utility is a Win32 console program that converts proportional font files (FGF files) to fixed pitch font files (FGX files). The width of the fixed pitch font is defined to be the width of the font's widest character. Please be aware that many proportional font files look fairly bad when converted to the fixed pitch format! The syntax of the command for running FGF2FGX from the DOS command prompt is
where fgf_file is the name of the proportionally spaced font file, and fgx_file is the name of the fixed pitch font file to create. FGF2FGX does not change the fgf_file in any way, but it will overwrite the fgx_file if an identically named file exists in the current directory.
copyright 2001 Ted Gruber Software, Inc.