fg_text() (legacy function)

Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


void fg_text (char *string, int n);

Sub fg_text (ByVal string As String, ByVal n As Long)

procedure fg_text (string : string; n : integer);


The fg_text() legacy function displays a character string, starting at the text cursor position, using the current color. The characters are clipped at the client area or virtual buffer edges, not the area defined with fg_setclip(). On return, the text cursor is positioned just to the right of the last character displayed.

By default, fg_text() displays strings directly in the window's client area, but you can redirect strings to the active virtual buffer with fg_fontdc().


string is the sequence of characters to display.

n is the number of characters to display from string.

Return value



You cannot direct strings to virtual buffers created with fg_vbdefine().

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