fg_getblock() (legacy function)

Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


void fg_getblock (void *buffer, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy);

Sub fg_getblock (buffer() As Any, ByVal minx As Long, ByVal maxx As Long, ByVal miny As Long, ByVal maxy As Long)

procedure fg_getblock (var buffer; minx, maxx, miny, maxy : integer);


The fg_getblock() legacy function retrieves a block (for later display with the fg_putblock() function) from the specified position in the active virtual buffer. The block extremes are defined in screen space. Use fg_imagesiz() to determine the array size required to hold the block.


buffer is the name of the array to receive the block.

minx is the screen space x coordinate of the block's left edge.

maxx is the x coordinate of the block's right edge. It must be greater than or equal to the value of minx.

miny is the y coordinate of the block's top edge.

maxy is the y coordinate of the block's bottom edge. It must be greater than or equal to the value of miny.

Return value



The fg_imagesiz() function provides an easy way to determine the array size required to store the block. However, in true color virtual buffers that use a 32bpp memory architecture, fg_imagesiz() does not work because it returns bitmap sizes, which are always 24bpp when using a true color virtual buffer.

Replaced by

fg_getdcb(), fg_getimage()

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