fg_display() (legacy function)

Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


void fg_display (void *bitmap, int runs, int width);

Sub fg_display (bitmap() As Any, ByVal runs As Long, ByVal width As Long)

procedure fg_display (var bitmap; runs, width : integer);


The fg_display() legacy function displays an image stored in Fastgraph's standard pixel run format, where the image resides in an array. The image will be positioned so that its lower left corner is at the graphics cursor position.


bitmap is the name of the array containing the pixel run map. The pixel run map is a sequence of (color,count) pairs. Each "color" element is a value between 0 and 255 specifying the color for that pixel run. Each "count" element is a value between 0 and 255 specifying the length in pixels of that pixel run.

runs is the number of pixel runs to display from the pixel run map. It is normally one-half the size of the bitmap array.

width is the image width in pixels. It must be greater than zero.

Return value




Replaced by

256-color bitmap functions

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