Prototype void fg_dashrel (int ix, int iy, int pattern); Sub fg_dashrel (ByVal ix As Long, ByVal iy As Long, ByVal pattern As Long) procedure fg_dashrel (ix, iy, pattern : integer); Description The fg_dashrel() function draws a dashed line from the graphics cursor position to a screen space position relative to it. It also makes the destination position the new graphics cursor position. Parameters ix is the screen space x offset of the destination position. iy is the screen space y offset of the destination position. pattern represents a 16-bit cyclic dash pattern. Bits that are 1 will result in a pixel being drawn; bits that are 0 will result in a pixel being skipped. Return value none Restrictions none See also fg_dash(), fg_dashrw(), fg_dashw(), fg_moverel()
copyright 2001 Ted Gruber Software, Inc.