Prototype void fg_cutdcb (void *bitmap, void *section, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int sec_width, int sec_height); Sub fg_cutdcb (bitmap() As Any, section() As Any, ByVal xpos As Long, ByVal ypos As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal sec_width As Long, ByVal sec_height As Long) procedure fg_cutdcb (var bitmap, section; xpos, ypos, width, sec_width, sec_height : integer); Description The fg_cutdcb() function extracts a direct color bitmap section from a direct color bitmap. Parameters bitmap is the name of the array containing the source bitmap. This bitmap is not modified in any way. section is the name of the array to receive the bitmap section. It must be large enough to hold a DCB of sec_width * sec_height pixels. xpos is the x coordinate within the source bitmap that defines the left edge of the bitmap section. It must be greater than or equal to zero, but less than width. ypos is the y coordinate within the source bitmap that defines the bottom edge of the bitmap section. It must be greater than or equal to zero, but less than height. The bottom row of a bitmap is considered row zero. width is the source bitmap width in pixels. sec_width is the bitmap section width in pixels. sec_height is the bitmap section height in pixels. Return value none Restrictions This function is meaningful only with direct color virtual buffers. See also
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