Display: Visual Basic Version

The Visual Basic version of Display makes the window visible in the load event handler before calling fg_modeset() or fg_modetest(). It achieves the full screen display by setting the form's BorderStyle property to 0 (None) through the Properties window, then setting its WindowState property to 2 (Maximized) in the load event handler after switching to the 800x600 display resolution.

'                                                                            *
'  Display.frm                                                               *
'                                                                            *
'  This program resizes the desktop to 800x600 using the fg_modeset()        *
'  function.                                                                 *
'                                                                            *
Const vbWidth = 800
Const vbHeight = 600
Dim hPal As Long
Dim hVB As Long
Private Sub Form_Activate()
   Call fg_realize(hPal)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
   If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Or KeyCode = vbKeyF12 Then Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
   ScaleMode = 3
   Visible = True
   If fg_modetest(vbWidth, vbHeight, fg_colors()) <> 0 Then
      Call MsgBox("Cannot set 800x600 desktop", vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, "Error")
      Unload Me
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Call fg_modeset(vbWidth, vbHeight, fg_colors(), 1)
   WindowState = 2 ' maximize window to 800x600
   Call fg_setdc(hDC)
   hPal = fg_defpal()
   Call fg_realize(hPal)
   Call fg_vbinit
   hVB = fg_vballoc(vbWidth, vbHeight)
   Call fg_vbopen(hVB)
   Call fg_vbcolors
   Call fg_setcolor(19)
   Call fg_fillpage
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()
   Call fg_vbpaste(0, vbWidth - 1, 0, vbHeight - 1, 0, vbHeight - 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
   Call fg_vbclose
   Call fg_vbfree(hVB)
   Call fg_vbfin
   Call fg_modeset(0, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub

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