Building DirectDraw ProgramsFastgraph's DirectX libraries and unit files have the same names as the native libraries but end with the letter "D", as shown here:
To build a DirectDraw application with any supported C or C++ compiler, link with FGWxx32D.LIB (instead of FGWxx32.LIB). Earlier versions of Fastgraph also required linking C/C++ programs with DDRAW.LIB from the DirectX SDK, but this is no longer necessary. To build a DirectDraw application with Delphi, specify FGWinD (instead of FGWin) in your program's uses statement. To build a DirectDraw application with Visual Basic, include the FGWinD.bas module file (instead of FGWin.bas) in your project. Fastgraph works with Visual Basic 4.0, but we strongly recommend Visual Basic 5.0 or later if you are creating DirectX programs with Fastgraph. To build a DirectDraw application with PowerBASIC, specify the include file (instead of in an #INCLUDE metastatement.
copyright 2001 Ted Gruber Software, Inc.